【鮪漬(Tuna Zuke)】


小門 亜裕子(Buddha Bellies Tokyo)


材料 / ingredients

  • 本生鮪 赤身 1さく
    1 fillet of lean part of tuna

【漬タレ/Zuke sauce for marination】


  • みりん mirin 0.5
  • 酒 sake 1
  • 醤油 soy sauce 1.5
  • 昆布 kelp 1piece


  • 炊きたて白飯2合に対し
    steamed Japanese sushi rice 640g
  • 黒酢 black vinegar 50ml
  • 砂糖 sugar 15g
  • 塩 salt 10g


  1. マグロを食べやすいサイズにスライス
    Slice the tuna into one bite size
  2. 漬タレの材料は一度沸かして冷ます
    All the ingredients for the sauce should be in a pan then bring it to boil and cool down to the room temperature
  3. 鮨酢は材料をよく混ぜシャリ切りをしておく
    Mix the sushi vinegar ingredients in a bowl then mix well until it all dissolved. Mix with the sauce and steamy hot rice together then paddle well.
  4. 漬タレに鮪を入れ、7-10分程度マリネする
    Marinate tuna with Zuke sauce for 7-10 min
  5. ペーパータオルでさっと水分を取り、握るか、丼もの、巻物にしていただく。
    Dry the tuna with the paper towel to remove the excess sauce.
    Put the sushi rice to make “rice bed” in a bowl then layout the marinated tuna on top or you can either arrange it into making maki roll / nigiri🍣


    If you like to add Shiso, spring onion and toasted sesame in/ on the sushi rice, it would give you some nice additional flavor.
